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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another Example of The Shia-Sunni (aka Iran vs. Sunni Arab Regimes) Divide Is In Full Swing

Today President Mubarak of Egypt announced he would be holding a meeting involving Israeli, Jordanian, and Fatah to discuss Hamastan (aka Hamas occupied Gaza) and its implications. While many see this as primarily an anti-Hamas/a move to bolster Fatah meeting one must acknowledge that the meeting has many anti-Iran and anti-Islamist overtones.

  • Hamas is armed/supplied by Iran
  • Hamas is the militant wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Palestinian Territories. This is the same Muslim Brotherhood that was sweeping Egypt's 2005 elections and considered a political arch enemy by Mubarak in Cairo.
  • According to The Australian, "Egypt's Foreign Minister accused Iran of having encouraged Hamas to seize Gaza in factional fighting with the secular Fatah movement in which more than 110 people were killed last week."
  • Jordan has an increasingly hostile stance towards Iran, especially following the Summer of 2006 war between Iranian backed Hizbollah and Israel. In addition Jordan borders an increasingly destabilized and Shia controlled Iraq. In the Sunni Arab states Iran is seen as the prime supplier of Iraq's Shia militias.
  • Israel sees Iran, its ally Syria, and Hizbollah as its greatest regional threats. Hamas, a client of Iran getting hold of Gaza is seen as a terrible thorn in Israel's side.
  • Following the Summer of 2006 Israel-Hizbollah war Israel fears a new war could break out on numerous fronts, with a new Gaza-Israel conflict in the south and a Lebanon-Israel war in the north.

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